Achieve your potential with Christian
online therapy - Christian phone therapy, Zoom, Skype.
Therapy for how we live today
George Hartwell provides online therapy with a licensed therapist through phone or video format of your choice.
Improve your mental health in the most convenient and affordable way! You'll have an experienced Christian Counsellor / registered Psychotherapist from the comfort of your device and receive ongoing therapy via live video sessions.
How it works
Start your journey in just 3 easy steps!
Start your journey in just 3 easy steps!
Phone (416) 939-0544 for a quick consultation with George by test or on the phone to ask any questions you have. Decide if it is a good fit for you.
Phone (416) 939-0544 for a quick consultation with George by test or on the phone to ask any questions you have. Decide if it is a good fit for you.
Set up your first session with George. Agree on communication method (Phone, Facetime, Zoom or Skype), payment method, time and day.
Set up your first session with George. Agree on communication method (Phone, Facetime, Zoom or Skype), payment method, time and day.
Begin your therapy. Professional fee per hour session is $160.00 (2022 - subject to change). In US dollar for clients in the USA and Canadian dollar for clients in Canada. There is a fee for late cancelled appointments. Payment is due at the end of your appointment. Payment by e-transfers or PayPal. A receipt is issued indicating the service is psychotherapy from a registered psychotherapist. A 90 minute session is prorated to $240.00 |
Reviews from Clients
"I have found George to be an extremely insightful counsellor. One of his greatest gifts is his ability to be empathic.
He maintains a harmonious balance between psychological and Biblical principles.
is emphasis in listening prayer therapy has proven to be tremendously helpful to me in my search for self-awareness and healing.
I am amazed at the results. Not only has God given me tremendous insight into my emotional scars and the lies I had believed, He has also replaced these with His truth." Sharon
"George has a great sense of humour that compliments his sincere nature which is backed up by an enlightening and deep faith in the Lord.
His counseling helped give me a more positive self-image and erased typical pitfalls that my Christian faith had fallen into.
He is very flexible and truly caring, and with God's help guided me to a path that I think eventually will lead me out of my tendency towards depression and past hurts." Tish
In my session with George I forgave and cut off all the ungodly ties with people who have abused me, it was like I was having massage therapy, a whole lot of stress, tension and knots lifted. (Toronto client, with permission.)
Thank you for your kind and gentle touch in dealing with such delicate heart and soul matters. Thank you for your amazing intimate relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Thank you for introducing me to another facet of how he ministers healing to our minds, our will and our emotions. Thank you for sharing the amazing gifts of understanding, revelation and spiritual discernment. Our Lord Jesus has blessed you richly George. Thank you for posting what you have come to understand in your articles online. They have blessed family, friends and, myself. Sonia
In my childhood I was often neglected, abandoned and rejected. George helped me to understand the root of family issues after one session. He uncovered core issues that were holding me back as an adult and has given me the emotional and spiritual support to rise above the abandonment and rejection I went through as a child. Katherine
George taught me to bring Christ into the memory of abusive situations. This is a new experience for me in my relationship to God, and I'm still learning. But I've already felt oppressive burdens of the past being lifted from my life. I strongly recommend George to anyone whose past has been a stumbling block to their joy and to their mission in life. Janet
"I desperately needed someone to talk with and help me work out the struggles that I was facing. George was the first therapist I had ever sat down with and with him I felt completely relaxed. His healing prayer therapy had a tremendously positive effect on my life; I literally was freed from strongholds that were at work in my life. I am very grateful to George and sincerely recommend him." Gene
"I have learned to trust George and his advice. I like the fact that George is gentle (non-judgmental), realistic (practical), has empathy and gives me hope and, therefore, something to stand on and to carefully work out.
George left some principles with me on getting out of depression. I came out of the depression. I am learning to accept that, as a child of God, God loves me and not to judge myself."
Comments from Ken B.
"I would recommend George to anyone really seeking help and the wonderful healing the Lord can graciously bring. George was able to be both present to me, hearing and really listening to me, and present also to the Holy Spirit, ministering and praying as He led. He validated my feelings and at the same time was able to bring real insight into my life's picture. I appreciated being able to speak to someone who could understand me and communicate with me in a way that he could see where I was at--instead of being condescending to me. He was able to go deep quickly when he saw that was my intention." Chris from California.
"The Lord really met me in one particular memory as George prayed for me. I was picturing myself in the womb where I have struggled with feelings of being unwanted, rejected, unloved and a really hostile environment. As George prayed, I saw instead my umbilical cord switched over to the Lord's care and the Lord being in the womb with me, surrounding me with waters of love, surrounding me with Him and His glory. As I have continued praying through this and inviting the Lord there, I have felt that my time in the womb was like heaven, since Jesus was in there with me! The Lord loved me and sang over me with great joy even then! Thank you Lord and thank you George!" Chris from California.
"My birth was at the very time that my mother was in grief over the loss of her mother. It seemed that I was born at the wrong time; that I was a pain. I became super responsible – thought everything was my fault. However, in a prayer encounter, I saw God the Father proudly holding me in his arms and showing “His daughter” to everyone. There was a welcome party at my birth! A celebration! This brought an explosion of joy and new life to my heart. Now, instead of shrinking away from life, I want to come forth. I have much less feeling of depression and of giving up on life." Madeline R.
George, your support and guidance in this time of crisis has been valuable and much appreciated. My husband sees the changes in me - He just doesn't believe that they will last.
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right way that they were meant to be there - to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to be. This for me has been you, George, and your counselling and guidance.
Your counselling has helped me to love unconditionally, realize my potential strengths and weakness and helped me to try to overcome negativity in my relationships with my husband. Both my husband and family have mentioned that they have witnessed a lot of change in me. Elizabeth
I am writing to you today after such a long time because I want to tell you how my life turned around so positively with your help. Not only back then but my life continues to be wonderful.
As you well know, 4 years ago things in my life had gone so wrong and I knew I needed to do something about it. I also knew I couldn't do it alone and thank God I found you. If it weren't for your help, professional knowledge, faith in God, prayer, and love combined with my wanting to heal from within I don't think I would have found this new wonderful life I am experiencing.
Since then I have married and have a new life filled with trust and love, my wonderful husband and our little son.
I truly believe that after all that prayer, listening, healing and removing old baggage I was able to move on and believe. I also truly believe that all this happiness was God sent.
I am grateful to God and I am grateful to you George. Elena Portland
I know that God heals us, if we open up and allow him to clean up our cesspool. I believe everyone has different amount of stuff in their cesspool, some have more than others. The Lord starts to strip, operate, remove, work on, change, etc. the Boulders, then the Rocks, then the STONES (ever so getting more and more painful), the dirt, the grit, the grain (as mustard seed (many, many, many of these); we will never be perfect or arrive in our humanness until we meet him in the air); we will be fallible ONLY The Lord is Infallible and Perfect BUT in the meantime we can with The Lord help, get healed up from the hurts, pains, disappointments, letdowns, etc., etc. from this life. If the Lord is doing it for me through counselling with George, The Lord can and will do it for anyone. Individual client
He maintains a harmonious balance between psychological and Biblical principles.
is emphasis in listening prayer therapy has proven to be tremendously helpful to me in my search for self-awareness and healing.
I am amazed at the results. Not only has God given me tremendous insight into my emotional scars and the lies I had believed, He has also replaced these with His truth." Sharon
"George has a great sense of humour that compliments his sincere nature which is backed up by an enlightening and deep faith in the Lord.
His counseling helped give me a more positive self-image and erased typical pitfalls that my Christian faith had fallen into.
He is very flexible and truly caring, and with God's help guided me to a path that I think eventually will lead me out of my tendency towards depression and past hurts." Tish
In my session with George I forgave and cut off all the ungodly ties with people who have abused me, it was like I was having massage therapy, a whole lot of stress, tension and knots lifted. (Toronto client, with permission.)
Thank you for your kind and gentle touch in dealing with such delicate heart and soul matters. Thank you for your amazing intimate relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Thank you for introducing me to another facet of how he ministers healing to our minds, our will and our emotions. Thank you for sharing the amazing gifts of understanding, revelation and spiritual discernment. Our Lord Jesus has blessed you richly George. Thank you for posting what you have come to understand in your articles online. They have blessed family, friends and, myself. Sonia
In my childhood I was often neglected, abandoned and rejected. George helped me to understand the root of family issues after one session. He uncovered core issues that were holding me back as an adult and has given me the emotional and spiritual support to rise above the abandonment and rejection I went through as a child. Katherine
George taught me to bring Christ into the memory of abusive situations. This is a new experience for me in my relationship to God, and I'm still learning. But I've already felt oppressive burdens of the past being lifted from my life. I strongly recommend George to anyone whose past has been a stumbling block to their joy and to their mission in life. Janet
"I desperately needed someone to talk with and help me work out the struggles that I was facing. George was the first therapist I had ever sat down with and with him I felt completely relaxed. His healing prayer therapy had a tremendously positive effect on my life; I literally was freed from strongholds that were at work in my life. I am very grateful to George and sincerely recommend him." Gene
"I have learned to trust George and his advice. I like the fact that George is gentle (non-judgmental), realistic (practical), has empathy and gives me hope and, therefore, something to stand on and to carefully work out.
George left some principles with me on getting out of depression. I came out of the depression. I am learning to accept that, as a child of God, God loves me and not to judge myself."
Comments from Ken B.
"I would recommend George to anyone really seeking help and the wonderful healing the Lord can graciously bring. George was able to be both present to me, hearing and really listening to me, and present also to the Holy Spirit, ministering and praying as He led. He validated my feelings and at the same time was able to bring real insight into my life's picture. I appreciated being able to speak to someone who could understand me and communicate with me in a way that he could see where I was at--instead of being condescending to me. He was able to go deep quickly when he saw that was my intention." Chris from California.
"The Lord really met me in one particular memory as George prayed for me. I was picturing myself in the womb where I have struggled with feelings of being unwanted, rejected, unloved and a really hostile environment. As George prayed, I saw instead my umbilical cord switched over to the Lord's care and the Lord being in the womb with me, surrounding me with waters of love, surrounding me with Him and His glory. As I have continued praying through this and inviting the Lord there, I have felt that my time in the womb was like heaven, since Jesus was in there with me! The Lord loved me and sang over me with great joy even then! Thank you Lord and thank you George!" Chris from California.
"My birth was at the very time that my mother was in grief over the loss of her mother. It seemed that I was born at the wrong time; that I was a pain. I became super responsible – thought everything was my fault. However, in a prayer encounter, I saw God the Father proudly holding me in his arms and showing “His daughter” to everyone. There was a welcome party at my birth! A celebration! This brought an explosion of joy and new life to my heart. Now, instead of shrinking away from life, I want to come forth. I have much less feeling of depression and of giving up on life." Madeline R.
George, your support and guidance in this time of crisis has been valuable and much appreciated. My husband sees the changes in me - He just doesn't believe that they will last.
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right way that they were meant to be there - to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to be. This for me has been you, George, and your counselling and guidance.
Your counselling has helped me to love unconditionally, realize my potential strengths and weakness and helped me to try to overcome negativity in my relationships with my husband. Both my husband and family have mentioned that they have witnessed a lot of change in me. Elizabeth
I am writing to you today after such a long time because I want to tell you how my life turned around so positively with your help. Not only back then but my life continues to be wonderful.
As you well know, 4 years ago things in my life had gone so wrong and I knew I needed to do something about it. I also knew I couldn't do it alone and thank God I found you. If it weren't for your help, professional knowledge, faith in God, prayer, and love combined with my wanting to heal from within I don't think I would have found this new wonderful life I am experiencing.
Since then I have married and have a new life filled with trust and love, my wonderful husband and our little son.
I truly believe that after all that prayer, listening, healing and removing old baggage I was able to move on and believe. I also truly believe that all this happiness was God sent.
I am grateful to God and I am grateful to you George. Elena Portland
I know that God heals us, if we open up and allow him to clean up our cesspool. I believe everyone has different amount of stuff in their cesspool, some have more than others. The Lord starts to strip, operate, remove, work on, change, etc. the Boulders, then the Rocks, then the STONES (ever so getting more and more painful), the dirt, the grit, the grain (as mustard seed (many, many, many of these); we will never be perfect or arrive in our humanness until we meet him in the air); we will be fallible ONLY The Lord is Infallible and Perfect BUT in the meantime we can with The Lord help, get healed up from the hurts, pains, disappointments, letdowns, etc., etc. from this life. If the Lord is doing it for me through counselling with George, The Lord can and will do it for anyone. Individual client
Treatment modalities used:
1. EMDR -
1. EMDR -